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Tamil for Travellers


  • Author : Seggy & Segaran
  • Publisher : Bay Owl Press
  • New Edition 2016
  • ISBN 978-955-1723-38-5
  • 108 Pages

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Author : Seggy & Segaran

Publisher : Bay Owl Press

New Edition 2016

ISBN 978-955-1723-38-5

108 Pages


This book is aimed at all visitors who want to communicate effectively in the Tamil speaking areas of Sri Lanka be they tourists, working for an NGO or for a business investing in the region. It is divided up into small sections that can easily be found. The English word is followed by the Tamil one  and a pronunciation guide. The use of the Tamil script is important to help readers learn the different letters and recognize them in road and shop signs.

Many books of this type use the IPS pronunciation which can be confusing  for  someone  coming  across it for the first time .We have opted to use our own pronunciation guide which we feel is much more intuitive and easily learned.

#TamilForTravellers #EnglishPoth #Seggy&Segaran

Weight 0.153 kg


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