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Kal The Adventurer


  • Author: Manesha Udawatte
  • Publisher: Publisher
  • First Edition 2021
  • ISBN: 978-624-9642-3-0-0
  • 16 Pages

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Author: Manesha Udawatte

Publisher: Publisher

First Edition 2021

ISBN: 978-624-9642-3-0-0

16 Pages


An under the sea adventure awaits a little boy who finds a magical portal in an unexpected place…. Join him as he explores and learns the wonders of the underwater world, one ocean zone at a time!

This book is perfect for curious young minds who like to learn about the mysteries of the ocean depths!


#KalTheAdventurer #ManeshaUdawatte #EnglishBooks #OnlineBooks

Weight 0.117 kg


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