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Where Shall I Poop


  • Author :Shehan Karunatilaka
  • Publisher : Papaya Books
  • ISBN 9786245478002
  • 33 Pages

Availability: 1 in stock

Author :Shehan Karunatilaka

Publisher : Papaya Books

ISBN 9786245478002

33 Pages

Baby Baba is still learning where to poop. So he poops everywhere except where he should. He’s also learning about the pooping habits of pandas, vultures, sloths, beetles, and even mites. Maybe they can teach him that the potty is his friend.

Cheeky, educational, and fun, Where Shall I Poop? is a rhyming book for toddlers. New from the creators of Please Don’t Put That In Your Mouth, it is the perfect potty training companion.

#WhereShallIPoop #ShehanKarunatilaka #EnglishBooks #Lamaintakiyaweemata #ChildrenBooks


Weight 0.279 kg


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