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The Many Faces Of The Kandyan Kingdom 1591-1765


  • Author : Gananath Obeyesekere 
  • Publisher : Sailfish Publishers
  • First Edition 2020
  • ISBN 978-955-7743-06-6
  • 195 Pages

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Author : Gananath Obeyesekere 

Publisher : Sailfish Publishers

First Edition 2020

ISBN 978-955-7743-06-6

195 Pages

SURROUNDED BY MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAINS, the city Kandy, home of the Temple of the Sacred Tooth and the Royal Palace, was the capital of Lanka for about three hundred years. Gananath Obeysekere paints a vivid portrait of the Kings of these great green highlands of Kandy, revealing a complex and advanced society every bit as violent as any other civilization. Focusing on Kings Vimaladharmasuriya I, Rajasinha II, Sri Vijaya Rajasinha and Kirti Sri  Rajasinha, he brings the Kandyan monarchy to Life, depicting them not as mythic figures but as flesh and blood, larger than life characters ruled over the last citadel of Lankan aristocracy.

The Many Faces Of The Kandyan Kingdom examines the politics and culture of colonial attempts to gain control of the entire island, and the events that preceded Lanka’s deadliest intrigue- the betrayal of the last Kandyan King.

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Weight 0.271 kg


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