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THE FAMOUS FIVE – Five Have Plenty of Fun


Author:  Enid Blyton

Publisher: Hachette India

Edition: 2015 (Printed and bound in India by Manipal Technologies Limited)

ISBN: 978-0340-89467-5

Pages: 171

Binding: Paperback

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Author:  Enid Blyton

Publisher: Hachette India

Edition: 2015 (Printed and bound in India by Manipal Technologies Limited)

ISBN: 978-0340-89467-5

Pages: 171

Binding: Paperback


Meet Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy


‘Come back, George – there may be danger!’

This summer the Five become six – and George isn’t happy about it. American girl Berta has been threatened with kidnap, and Kirrin Cottage is the only place she can hide. But Berta’s arrival puts everyone at risk. Will the Five put their own safety on the line to protect Berta from dangerous kidnappers?

#FamousFive #FiveHavePlentyofFun #EnidBlyton

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