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The Essential Guide For Jaffna And Its Region


  • Author : Dr Kandiah Kunarasa
  • Publisher : Viator Publications
  • Revised & Enlarged Edition 2012
  • ISBN 955-8736-01-5
  • 208 Pages

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Author : Dr Kandiah Kunarasa

Publisher : Viator Publications

Revised & Enlarged Edition 2012

ISBN 955-8736-01-5

208 Pages


A practical and concise guide to discover and explore nearly 80 fascinating sites.

For each site an English, Tamil and Sinhala name to help when asking for directions. A drawing, a brief description, directions to reach it, a GPS position for a precise location and a map to help you get there.

#TheEssentialGuideForJaffnaAnItsRegion #DrKandiahKunarasa #EnglishBooks #TravelGuide

Weight 0.274 kg


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