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On Religion, Society And Politics


  • Author : Martin Wickramasinghe
  • Publisher : Sarasa Publisher
  • First Edition 2017
  • ISBN : 978-955-695-034-2
  • 296 Pages

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Author : Martin Wickramasinghe

Publisher : Sarasa Publisher

First Edition 2017

ISBN : 978-955-695-034-2

296 Pages

” A few centuries ago nations fought murderous wars over religious differences and different religious ideals. People have been persecuted for holding different opinions on religion. At present, except for fanatics, every same man believes that it is absurd to make war over religious differences. The present religious tolerance is due to the spread of ideas of scientists, anthropologists and students of comparative religion which taught people to regard religions as paths which lead to that summit. This conception of religion has awakened a feeling. in the hearts of men of the sacredness of the idea of the brotherhood of man.

“The world has reached a similar stage in regard to political ideologies and nationalism. Democratic political ideologies which differ accordies to national cultures are paths which lead to one and the same summit: Brotherhood of man and humanism. This humanism has been transformed into a new conception by the growth of socialism.

Martin Wickramasinghe – “Buddhism And Culture “P.49 (1964)

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