
Living Their Lie


  • Author :  Brandon Ingram
  • Publisher : Bay Owl Press
  • First Edition2009
  • ISBN 978-955-1723-08-8
  • 160 Pages

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Author :  Brandon Ingram

Publisher : Bay Owl Press

First Edition2009

ISBN 978-955-1723-08-8

160 Pages


“How easy it was to pass judgment based on just looking at someone. How simple it was to craft opinions and viewpoints on someone you had met only in passing. How your viewpoints then became those of your peers & their social circles. Within moments of first contact with a complete stranger you could transform them from a common street whore to a blushing bride. Soon people begin to realize how they’ve been profiled in society. If they believe the opinions of them are good, they do everything in their power to live up to those expectations. And if they believe the opinions of them are bad, then they treated carefully, trying very insincerely to reform those foul beliefs. But it’s not just them is it? It’s us too. Well actually, on the grander scale of things, they are us.”

Living their lie is a story about a man, a woman and a boy whose lives cross each other in unexpected ways. Together, they are forced to test the limits of friendship, the bonds of marriage and the boundaries of love as they learn with each passing moment that not everything society teaches us is true. Their journey of love and hate begins with an unexpected kiss, leading them to an end that will define who they become.

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