
Introduction to Algorithmic Marketing: Artificial Intelligence for Marketing Operations


  • Author – Ilya Katsov
  • Publisher – Grid Dynamics
  • First Edition 2018
  • ISBN 978-0-692-14260-8
  • 492 Pages

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Author – Ilya Katsov

Publisher – Grid Dynamics

First Edition 2018

ISBN 978-0-692-14260-8

492 Pages


“At a time when power is shifting to consumers, while brands and retailers are grasping for fleeting moments of attention, everyone is competing on data and the ability to leverage it at scale to target, acquire, and retain customers. This book is a manual for doing just that. Both marketing practitioners and technology providers will find this book very useful in guiding them through the marketing value chain and how to fully digitize it. A comprehensive and indispensable reference for anyone undertaking the transformational journey towards algorithmic marketing.”

– All Bouhouch, CTO, Sephora Americas

“If you’re tired of the vague fluff about Al in marketing, and you want to understand the real substance of what’s possible today and how it works, then you must read An Introduction to Algorithmic Marketing. This is the best book in the field of marketing technology and operations that I’ve read yet.”

– Scott Brinker, Author of Hacking Marketing, Editor of chiefmartec.com

“It’s all possible now. This book brings practicality to concepts that just a few years ago would have been dismissed as mere theory. It features principled framing that captures what the best marketers innately feel but cannot express. Elegant math articulates the important relationships that are so elusive to traditional business modeling. The book is unapologetic for its lack of spreadsheet examples-much of the world that cannot be represented linearly in just a few dimensions and is devoid of uncertainty. Instead, the book embraces rigorous framing that yields better insights into real phenomenon. It’s written neither for the data scientist nor the marketer, but rather for the two combined! It’s this partnership between these two departments that will lead to real impact. This book is where that partnership should begin.”

– Eric Colson, Chief Algorithms Officer, Stitch Fix

“This book is a live portrait of digital transformation in marketing. It shows how data science becomes an essential part of every marketing activity. The book details how data-driven approaches and smart algorithms result in the deep automation of traditionally labor-intensive marketing tasks. Decision-making is getting not only better but much faster, and this is crucial in our ever-accelerating competitive environment. It is a must-read for both data scientists and marketing officers – even better if they read it together.”

– Andrey Sebrant, Director of Strategic Marketing, Yandex

“This book delivers a complete end-to-end blueprint on how to fully digitize your company’s marketing operations. Starting from a conceptual architecture for the future of digital marketing, it then delves into a detailed analysis of best practices in each individual area of marketing operations. The book gives the executives, middle managers, and data scientists in your organization a set of concrete, actionable, and incremental recommendations on how to build better insights and decisions, starting today, one step at a time.”

– Victoria Livschitz, founder and CTO, Grid Dynamics

#IntroductionToAlgorithmicMarketingArtificialIntelligenceForMarketingOperations #IlyaKatsov #EnglishBooks #OnlineBooks

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