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Beggar’s Feast


  • Author : Randy Boyagoda
  • Publisher : Perera HusseinPublishing House
  • New Edition 2003
  • ISBN 978-955-8897-23-2
  • 311 Pages

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Author : Randy Boyagoda

Publisher : Perera Hussein Publishing House

New Edition 2003

ISBN 978-955-8897-23-2

311 Pages

“ Now,’’ she said, arranging herself in backseat with shaking hands, swallowing, “ get out and open the door for me like my old driver did.’’ He pulled her, head first,into the front seat and then he wheeled the motorcar back onto the road. Picking up speed,it moved like a water snake because he was trying to reach over and open her  door and she was kicking and slapping and asking and screaming that his mother used to wash him at the village tap too didn’t she and then finally the door flung open and sam leaned against his own to brace himself as he kicked and kicked until there was only air and if he had turned to look he would have seen a tumbling whiteness flattening out upon the black ground like a wave at night, he would have seen her crashing to mist and nothing. If he had turned to look. But he did not.

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