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Programming the Internet of Things


  • Author: Andy King
  • Publisher: O’Reilly
  • First Edition 2021
  • ISBN 978-1-492-08141-8
  • 388 Pages

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Author: Andy King

Publisher: O’Reilly

First Edition 2021

ISBN 978-1-492-08141-8

388 Pages


Learn how to program the Internet of Things with this hand on guide. By breaking down loT programming complexities in step-by-step, building-block fashion, author and educator Andy King shows you how to design and build your own full-stack, end-to-end loT solution-from device to cloud. This practical book walks you through tooling, development environment setup, solution design, and implementation.

You’ll learn how a typical loT ecosystem works, as well as how to tackle integration challenges that crop up when implementing your own loT solution. Whether you’re an engineering student learning the basics of the loT, a tech savvy executive looking to better understand the nuances of loT technology stacks, or a programmer building your own smart-house solution, this practical book will help you get started.

  • Design an end-to-end solution that implements an loT use case
  • Set up an loT-centric development and testing environment
  • Organize your software design by creating abstractions in Python and Java
  • Use MQTT, CoAP, and other protocols to connect loT devices and services
  • Create a custom JSON-based data format that’s consumable across a range of platforms and services
  • Use cloud services to support your loT ecosystem and provide business value for stakeholders

“This book gives software developers an invaluable tool to design, develop, and deploy end-to-end loT systems.”

-Rolando Herrero

Professor, Northeastern University

“Readers will get a solid grasp of the components that go into loT solutions and what the development process looks like in the real world.”

-Tim Strunck

Director of Software Engineering, Atom Power

Andy King is a seasoned computer scientist, educator, and technology leader with over 20 years of experience, largely focused on designing and building network management tools, telematics systems, and Internet of Things platforms. He advises clients across the globe on loT system strategy, design, and integration, and is a faculty member at Northeastern University. Where he teaches Connected Devices.

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