Author – Christopher Ondaatje
Publisher – Visidunu Publishers
First Edition 2003
ISBN 0-00-200670-7
237 Pages
“The Snows of Kilimanjaro” is one of the world’s celebrated short stories. But Hemingway’s long literary love affair with Africa, lasting nearly four decades, has never been properly investigated by critics and scholars. Hemingway in Africa fills this significant gap. By following in the footsteps of Hemingway’s two African safaris, Christopher Ondaatje, an expert an east African exploration, reveals the roots of Hemingway’s fascination with Africa. His book is a charming mixture of perceptive analysis of Hemingway’s writing and personal insight into the mind of a complex and driven personality whom Ondaatje both admires and deplores.
Andrew Robinson, Literary Editor
The Times Higher Education Supplement
Christopher Ondaatje successfully combines his own explorer’s enthusiasm and his love of Literature to create a compelling study of Hemingway’s fascination with Africa and the writings he based on his experiences. We see cast Africa-with its immensity, its beauty, and its big game and safaris – afresh through two pairs of eyes, and we learn something about both men.
Sir Ron Cooke
President, Royal Geographical society
“The sun-dried carcass of a leopard on the summit of Kilimanjaro seems a strange source of inspiration for a writer. This new book on Hemingway retraces his steps through his belovd East Africa and reveals as much about the man as about the artist’s quest for immortality”
Royal society of Arts Journal
#HemingwayinAfrica #ChristopherOndaatje #InternationalBooks
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