Author : Agatha Christie
Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN 978-0-00-813143-2
215 Pages
Returning from a visit to her daughter in Iraq, Joan Scudamore finds herself unexpectedly alone and stranded in an isolated rest house by flooding of the railway tracks. This sudden solitude compels Joan to assess her life for the first time ever and face up to many of the truths about herself. Looking back over the years, Joan painfully re-examines her attitudes, relationships and actions- and becomes increasingly uneasy about the person who is revealed to her…
‘I’ve not been so emotionally moved by a story since the memorable Brief Encounter…Absent in the Spring is a tour de force which should be recognized as a classic.’
-New York Times
#AbsentintheSpring #AgathaChristie #InternationalBooks #Tragedy
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