The Mountain Road + Brave Island
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The Mountain Road
Author: Christine Wilson
Publisher: Sooriya Publishers
Sooriya Edition 2004
ISBN 955-8892-49-1
243 Pages
CHRISTINE WILSON comes from a line of doctors, artists and writers. Her father, Richard Spittel, C.MG., F.R.C.S., is himself the author of several books of anthropology and travel. With him she travelled in the wildest jungles of Ceylon in the company of the Vedda aborigines and studied their lives. Her husband a Scottish engineer,shares her love of travel and the study of wild life.
Educated at Roedean Mrs.Wilson has contributed to numerous periodicals in Britain as well as in Ceylon and India. She is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.
Among her other books are three more novels, The Bitter Berry, I Am the Wings and Brave Island (co-authored with R.L.Spittel).
#EnglishBooks #HistryofSriLanka
Brave Island
Author: R.L. Spittel & Christine Wilson
Publisher: Sooriya Publishers
Second Edition 2003
ISBN 978-955-8892-15-7
224 pages
This is a story of war and adventure in the old Ceylon.
Why “Brave Island”?
In the 16th century to which the story pertains, the word ‘brave’ had a wider significance than it now has, namely, “finely dressed, splendid, showy, grand, handsome”. The title is therefore apposite as it embodies both the natural splendor of Ceylon and the bravery of man which the tale enshrines.
The book is in two parts. The first deals with the heroic resistance of the Portuguese in the fortress of Colombo against the overwhelming besieging forces of the Hollanders. The second part has for its mise en scene the Gulf of Mannar during a pearl fishery with its disastrous sequel so realistically described.
The story recaptures entrancingly the ethos of a bygone day.
#RLSpittel #ChristineWilson #Ceylon #oldCeylon #fortressOfColombo #GulfOfMannar
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