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Extreme Ownership


  • Author – Jocko Willink and Leif Babin
  • Publisher – St.Martin’s Press
  • Second Edition 2017
  • ISBN 978-1-250-27096-2
  • 322 Pages

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Author – Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Publisher – St.Martin’s Press

Second Edition 2017

ISBN 978-1-250-27096-2

322 Pages


Since the publication of Extreme Ownership, we’ve heard from readers across the United States and around the world whose lives have been strongly impacted for good. They’ve told us how implementing its principles changed their lives and made them better: a more productive employee, a more supportive spouse, a more engaged parent. Once people stop making excuses, stop blaming others, and take ownership of everything in their lives, they are compelled to take action to solve their problems.

The principles are simple, but not easy. Taking ownership for mistakes and failures is hard. But doing so is key to learning, to developing solutions, and, ultimately, to victory. Those who successfully implement these principles run circles around the rest of the world. – from the new foreword by JOCKO WILLINK and LEIF BABIN


“Amazing, LIFE-CHANGING, awesome, soul-rocking read”

“Hands down the ABSOLUTE BEST and most useful leadership book I have ever read.”

“Complete Game Changer”

“Drop what you are doing and buy, read, and TAKE NOTES FROM THIS BOOK. It’s awesome.”


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